Can't login to control panel

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by jpittner, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. jpittner

    jpittner New Member

    Hi, fairly new to Linux and ISPconfig. I have Fedora Core 5 running the latest ISPconfig software. I set it up according to the perfect setup for Fedora Core 5. I was able to access the login window via the web broswer but the httpd process crashed. I tried to restart the httpd process but got error that I had to patch the system-config-httpd file with patch system-config-httpd system-config-httpd.patch witch didn't work so I uninstalled and reinstalleed httpd. I'm able to go to the internal IP address 192.168.0.x and I'm able to see that the httpd process is running but I cannot login through https://192.168.0.x:81. Any suggestions?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please restart ISPConfig:
    /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart

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