Can't send mail

Discussion in 'General' started by mike_p, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. mike_p

    mike_p Member

    A few days ago I had my server sending mail quite happily.
    At the moment I am still testing the various services.
    At some stage over the past few days sending email using Outlook Express has stopped working. It keeps asking for my password. I can send mail using SquirrelMail.
    The system log contains these entries:
    saslauthd[4912]: do_auth : auth failure: [service=smtp] [] [mech=shadow] [reason=Unknown]
    (domain changed for security)

    I've been chasing round in circles for a few hours trying to sort this out.

    Any help would be gratefully received!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You must have changd something in the Linux auth scheme. Your system is now authenticating against linux system users in /etc/shadow but ispconfig uses virtual users.

    Download the latest ispconfig and run the update.php script and select to reconfigure services during update.
  3. mike_p

    mike_p Member

    Thanks Till.

    Unfortunately having followed your advice, when I ran upgrade it had a problem restoring all the data to the data base.

    I have had to recreate various fields in the database:
    alter table client add `limit_mailaliasdomain` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1' after `limit_mailalias`
    alter table client add `limit_web_quota` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1' after `limit_web_domain`
    alter table client add `limit_traffic_quota` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1' after `limit_cron_frequency`
    ALTER TABLE `mail_user` ADD COLUMN `autoresponder_start_date` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' AFTER `autoresponder`
    ALTER TABLE `mail_user` ADD COLUMN `autoresponder_end_date` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' AFTER `autoresponder_start_date`
    I also got a " Table 'dbispconfig.mail_relay_recipient' doesn't exist" so I just commented out the line in the database dump file before restoring manually.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then you ither have modified something in the ispconfig database manually e.g. added a field or table or you installed a update that was older then the version thatw as installed on your system.

    You have to undo all manual modifications that you did in the database and then install the latest update (ISPConfig
  5. mike_p

    mike_p Member

    It's extremely strange.

    I've checked back in ispconfig3_install/install/sql/ispconfig3.sql

    and the create table statements include the various fields that are missing.

    So for some bizarre reason, MySQL has failed to add all the neccessary columns when creating the tables during the 'update'.

    I guess my best option is to retry the upgrade.
    edit: I found the reason. I accidentally used version (copied and pasted from

    will now retry with the correct version and manually restore the database!

    So a big foul up by me!!
    (but would be nice if you could edit the Perfect server pages to reference the latest version so idiots like me don't get it wrong!)

    Having redone with the correct version, all is well and the mail problem has been solved.
    After running update I used MySQL to truncate all tables and then manually reinstalled the data backup from the first upgrade attempt
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010

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