Can't View PHP web pages

Discussion in 'General' started by ris516, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. ris516

    ris516 New Member

    First, I'm a complete newbie to both LINUX and ISPConfig learning as I go by books and forums like this one (great, I might add). I am completely self-taught and the extent of my programming experience is writing PHP scripts for my web sites (again learned through books and tutorials).

    I have installed the LAMP System With Fedora Core 6 according to your "How to" . I then installed ISPConfig 2.2.13 according to the instructions. After installation, I rebooted, accessed ISPconfig and set up a test reseller account with a client and web site according to the manual's instructions. My problem is that I can't view view pages that contain content generated by PHP scripts. I activated PHP scripts and PHP Safe Mode for the web site when I created it. As a test I created a phpinfo file and all I got was a blank screen.

    Can you possibly give me an idea what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks for your patience.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you put the php script in the correct directory, e.g. /var/www/ and did you access this website through the domain and not trough a IP address or some kind of redirect?
  3. ris516

    ris516 New Member

    Wow! Many thanks for your very quick reply and your help.

    Yes. Everything appears to be correct. I have been working my way through the ISPConfig User Manual and except for the PHP issue everything else seems to be OK. I have since re-enabled PHP globally just so that I can continue to work on my site and PHP works just fine so I guess I may have done something wrong while installing ISPConfig or setting up the web site.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2007

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