Can't xen-create-image --install-method=copy or --install-method=tar)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Hans, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Hi all

    One of the great things about Xen is that the backup allows you to reconstitute a fully working XEN guest from the backup area, simply with a command like:

    On XEN 3 on Debian Lenny it could be done with:
    sudo xen-create-image --copy=/var/backup/mymachine.rdiff-backup.mirror --ip= --hostname=mymachine.tld

    On XEN4 on Debian Squeeze, the --copy method seems to be ambiguous, so i tried:
    xen-create-image --install-method=copy --install-source=/var/backup/mymachine.tld.rdiff-backup.mirror --ip= --hostname=mymachine.tld

    This seems to work on Debian Squeeze with Xen4, because i see:

    General Information
    Hostname : mymachine.tld
    Distribution : squeeze
    Mirror :
    Partitions : swap 128Mb (swap)
    / 4Gb (ext3)
    Image type : full
    Memory size : 128Mb
    Kernel path : /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
    Initrd path : /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64

    Networking Information
    IP Address 1 : [MAC: 00:16:3E:1B:6D:15]
    Netmask :
    Broadcast :
    Gateway :

    Creating swap on /dev/lvg0/mymachine.tld-swap

    Creating ext3 filesystem on /dev/lvg0/mymachine.tld-disk
    Installation method: copy
    (Source: /var/backup/mymachine.tld.rdiff-backup.mirror)

    Running hooks

    It looks good so far, but the problem is that "Running hooks" takes forever (this happens with --install-method=copy or --install-method=tar).

    After executing the command lvdisplay, i can see that the logical volumes are created.
    Without a reboot, it is not possible to delete those logical volumes.

    lvremove /dev/lvg0/
    lvremove /dev/lvg0/

    results in:

    Can't remove open logical volume "mymachine.tld-swap"
    Can't remove open logical volume "mymachine.tld-disk"

    Can anyone tell me what might be wrong?
    I also wonder if the syntax xen-create-image --install-method=copy --install-source=/var/backup/mymachine.tld.rdiff-backup.mirror --ip= --hostname=mymachine.tld is correct.
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Bug in xen-tools 4.2.1 - Debian Squeeze

    Within the xen-tools log file of the vm i read the following lines:

    hook 50-setup-hostname: done.
    Running hook 55-create-dev
    hook 55-create-dev: done.
    Running hook 60-copy-host-files
    hook 60-copy-host-files: done.
    Running hook 65-copy-user-files
    hook 65-copy-user-files: done.
    Running hook 70-install-ssh
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    /tmp/j0vB2bPgP1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key already exists.

    This is exactly as reported here:

    the hook /usr/lib/xen-tools/debian.d/70-install-ssh needlessly generates ssh
    keys which stalls xen-create-image.

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