centos 5.2, firefox wont start.

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Layla Nahar, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Layla Nahar

    Layla Nahar New Member


    I did the perfect server tutorial for Centos 5.2 (http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-5.2). I was able to start firefox and open web pages from the Internet.

    I made some changes*, and now when I try to start firefox, it fails to start. "Starting web browser" appears briefly in the taskbar but then it goes away. No error message displays.

    I was hoping someone can offer me suggestion on how to diagnose and repair this. I can ping google.com from this machine

    thank you very much

    *(I did ch 7 & ch 9 from this tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-5.2-ispconfig-3)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    So you have a desktop on your CentOS server?
    Any errors in your logs?
  3. Layla Nahar

    Layla Nahar New Member

    Hello Falko -

    thank you for your reply, and your suggestion to check my logs for errors. (yes, I have a desktop on my CentOS server).

    I tried to find log files by grepping in different directories for mozilla and firefox. I see a lot of install and configuration stuff. I only see the word error once /root/*.log* (It says: Installing libgpg-error-1.4-2.i386)

    I would be really grateful if you could give me some guidance about where to look for the right logs.

    thank you

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe there was a faulty Firefox update? Can you try
    yum update
  5. Layla Nahar

    Layla Nahar New Member

    Hello Falko

    Thank you very much for helping me out with this. When I did

    yum update

    I got an error. Below is what I saw. Is this significant?

    thanks again

    [root@server1 ~]# yum update
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * addons: centos.corenetworks.net
    * base: mirror.ubiquityservers.com
    * extras: mirror.team-cymru.org
    * rpmforge: apt.sw.be
    * updates: mirror.vcu.edu
    Setting up Update Process
    Error: Package tuple ('perl-Socket6', 'i386', '0', '0.23', '1.rh9.rf') could not be found in packagesack
    [root@server1 ~]#

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