Centos 5.4 + vmware server 2.0.2

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mariuscotan, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. mariuscotan

    mariuscotan New Member


    i have a centos 5.4 server with vmware server 2.0.2 installed on il. I am running two virtual machines on it: Microsoft windows xp pro sp3 and Centos 5.4 (both 32 bits).

    I the last time, my virtual machines are stopped automaticaly, for example: i start both vm's in the evening, and in the morning they are powered down.
    Often happens that vmware-mngm service is not accesible, i'm trying to acces it on browser but is not accesible. After i restart vmware-mngm service, it is working, but aflte a few operations with virtual machines, it gives me an error and stop responding again.

    What should i do to solve this problem?

    Thank you
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in your logs?
    Did you switch off SELinux?
  3. mariuscotan

    mariuscotan New Member

    Selinux is disabled

    After i log in vmware server panel i receive this error:

    after restarting vmware-mgmt i can log in. I have atached the log files

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  4. mariuscotan

    mariuscotan New Member

    Any ideea?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Unfortunately not... :(
  6. cyberbot

    cyberbot New Member

    i have the same problem,
    seems problem in vmware server 2 0 2
    the solution is downgrand your kernel devel
  7. techdruid

    techdruid New Member

    Downgrade glibc to fix

    I was having this problem for a couple of days. Wasted many hours trying to figure out what the problem was.

    Apparently, the glibc libraries that come with CentOS 5.4 cause the vmware-hostd process to crash. It's a known issue. You have to downgrade your glibc libraries to those from CentOS 5.3.

    Here are the details of how I fixed the problem, along with a link to the bug as reported on a the bugs.CentOS.org site.


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