Centos 6 with ISPConfig3 - problem with sub domain creation with GoDaddy

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by thinhat, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. thinhat

    thinhat New Member

    Hi guys,

    A bit of newb when it comes to Linux, have managed to install a server with Centos6 and ISPConfig to manage the hosting of some sites and also have a domain name registered with GoDaddy which has the A record of mydomain.com pointing to my servers IP address.

    I need to create sub domains such as test.mydomain.com as I have a wiki script running on one machine with an internal IP of lets say and another script on

    Have created the DNS entries on ISPConfig3 by following various examples found here etc but the result is that no matter what addressI give it, it just points to the main mydomain.com.

    Do I need to configure ISPConfig (if yes how-step by step would be awesome) or GoDaddy (if yes how)

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please create the subdomains as vhosts of their own.
  3. ITG

    ITG New Member

    I have a few question about the above... You mentioned you're a little new at linux, so i'm going to ask these questions, so no insult intended :) ...

    1.) Who is hosting your DNS? When you do a whois lookup on your domain name (mydomain.com) who's dns servers are listed in the whois lookup?

    2.) If the whois record shows you are the one actually hosting your domains dns records, are you create "A" records or "CNAME" records? This makes a difference when it comes to vhosting.

    3.) You understand that using a local ip address if you're not on the same exact network with your servers that you will not be able to reach those internal ip's. So are you hosting these servers internally or at a hosting provider?

    4.) If you're using a hosting provider, and are using public ip "A" records in dns to your hosting server, what firewall are you using to route the traffic to those local ip's? iptables?

    I look forward to your response!

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