CentOS 7.4 General Questions

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Deborah Hearne, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. Deborah Hearne

    Deborah Hearne New Member

    • What plugins not supported in Centos 7?
    • Where can I find a list of all the plugins available for CentOS 7? The website does not list the plugins available for CentOS 7 nor does it list all the plugins available.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Plugins do not depend on a specific OS, plugins depend on the software that they manage (e.g. the apache plugin manages apache) and as all major software packages like apache, postfix, mysql etc. are available for all OS. On the website, we list the mjaor features available in ISPConfig, we do not list plugins. Also there are plugins that are not supported and therefore not listed, they just exist for legacy reasons, are provided by third party developers or need a manual installation like the PowerDNS plugin.
  3. Deborah Hearne

    Deborah Hearne New Member

    • What does the above mean?
    • Are there other features like HHVM and XMPP not supported in CentOS 7.4?
    • One example is OpenVPN. Is this supported on CentOS 7?
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    HHVM or XMPP can not be run with ISPConfig on CentOS.
    I do not know.

    My quess is ISPConfig does not manage OpenVPN at all, so if OpenVPN is available for CentOS it can be used, and set up as usual, and ISPConfig is not involved.
  5. Deborah Hearne

    Deborah Hearne New Member

    How do I install OpenVZ and Metronome XMPP Server on CentOS 7?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There are no tutorials available on these topics. The OpenVZ project stopped the development of their Linux kernel and OpenVZ 7 is a completely different software, so installing OpenVZ on new systems makes not much sense anyway.
  7. Deborah Hearne

    Deborah Hearne New Member

    I have a few more quick questions:
    • What is supported instead of OpenVZ? Is it VServer-Server?
    • What about Metronome XMPP Server, is it still supported?
    • Does ISPConfig support Bind-chroot?
    • Does IPSConfig support Git?
    • Is there an HTTP file manager? I don't know how to get to it.
    • I disabled Firewalld. How can I check if Bastille firewall is enabled or disabled in the command line? I don't seem to be detecting a firewall and I don't see it in my services.
    • I installed Certbot from the epel-release repository to prevent conflicts. Will ISPConfig still work with certbot?
    • Why is the support for CentOS poor? CentOS is the most popular web hosting operating system thanks to commercial offerings like CPanel and Plesk.
    • Can you use HTML in the ISPConfig email templates?
    • Are Monit and Munin supported on CentOS 7? Can both be used at the same time?
    • Is vlogger supported on CentOS 7?
    • Is webFTP supported on CentOS 7?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The Vserver module is for OpenVZ only.
    The developer of the Metronome module reported that his module is broken due to instability issues in Metronome, but he comitted already some patches to add support for Prosody instead. See ISPConfig git server.
    We don't use it in our setups, but it might work.
    Git is a version control system, and ISPConfig is a hosting control panel. So support for git is nothing that is in the focus of a hosting control panel as it does not manages any code. Of course, you can use git to download website code into your site on the shell in case you are versioning your websites with GIT.
    You can use any web based file manager which support FTP or SSH with ISPConfig, so no need for us to reinvent the wheel by building another file manager.
    Like as usual on Linux, with the iptables command.
    Yes. It does not matter from where you installed certbot.
    CentOS is only popular with buyers of the named control panels because the support for other distributions in these panels is rather poor. It does not mean that CentOS is popular by hosters that use other panels or no panels on their servers. When you have experience with hosting on different Linux distributions over the long run, then you will see that the other Distributions have a better uptime and are easier to manage. And the other panels actually don't use many CentOS packages, they replace large parts of the system with their own packages and you have to rely on the control panel vendor to port security patches for apache etc. while ISPConfig uses the packages of the Linux distribution so it gets security fixes faster. Also, things like live dist upgrades are supported by other distributions for ages, for centos that's still rather new. That said, support for CentOS is not poor in ISPConfig as I outlined in one of my first answers, features do not depend on the OS, we just don't provide install instructions for all features on all OS and we recommend the OS that we know to be the most stable options. You are free to use the other features that we don't provide instructions for with CentOS. If we do not provide an install guide then this does not mean that you can not install the software on CentOS and use it with ISPConfig, it just menas that we did not test it.
    See answer to your fisrt question about webFTP. As ISPConfig can be used with any webFTP software, you can use any webFTP software that is working on CentOS with ISPConfig.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018

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