CentOS installed.. now where do I go from there?

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by onestep, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. onestep

    onestep New Member

    I have a new server I was allowed to put in my friends rack in a data center. The problem is that he pre-installed CentOS for me, and then said ... go to it. He didn't put on LAMP for me, and is too busy to offer any help.

    Here is my version:
    Linux my.localhost.org 2.6.18-53.1.14.el5 #1 SMP Wed Mar 5 11:36:49 EST 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

    My needs are very simple. I want to run two websites on the server. A drupal site & a Word Press site, with the option for more if I need it. Pretty simple.

    However, I tried following the Perfect Server tutorial, and totally got lost. Since I only have shell access to it, I don't have the GUI.

    Can anyone point me to some tutorials via Command line, or explain to me what I need to do to get this up and running, and in what order you would do it in? Once I have it running, I think I can get him to help me with the security (as it's on his network!).

    So far I have used YUM and installed Apache, mySQL, and PHP. However, configuring them, I am not sure of the next set of steps, as far as setting up the virtual hosts and then getting it up and on the net. Once I get this going, I know how to configure and install my drupal and WordPress installs.

    Frustrating being a newb!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The perfect server tutorial is for the command line, you just have to skip the first installations steps, the ones with screenshots from the installer.

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