Hi folks! I'm new to the forum. It's my first message, 'cause I made a lot of browse in these months... So, what's my problem? I'm following the "Virtual Users With Postfix, PostfixAdmin, Courier, Mailscanner, ClamAV On CentOS" howto to set up a mail server. I just finished to build up a 3-domain mail server with aliasing without database (it's just a small business...), but I realized that I needed DB support 'cause I ran into duplicate users (i.e. [email protected], [email protected], etc.) and the sole /etc/aliases file could not make me manage this issue. I executed all steps, but when I try to run sudo rpmbuild -ta courier-authlib-0.58.tar.bz2 I get the following response (I will translate, my system is in Italian): dependencies compilation failed: gcc-c++ needs courier-authlib-0.58-1.i386 OK, I said, I found that rpm and --as root-- installed it (rpm -ivh courier-authlib-0.58-1.i386.rpm) then I ran again sudo rpmbuild -ta courier-authlib-0.58.tar.bz2 the system response was the same. What can it be? Thanks in advance and maaaaaaaaaaaany congratulations for the site... Morenz
You got it.... I was sure I had already installed it, but I was wrong... Now i'm goin' on, hoping not to have other "breaks"... Thanks! Morenz