Hello everyone, I'm posting this in order to save people time if they have a similar issue. After an upgrade of OS to Debian 12.6, let's encrypt renew failed. in the following script : /etc/init.d/le_ispc_pem.sh the first line have to be edited : #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash Otherwise the command : cat ispserver.{key,crt} > ispserver.pem fail & broke all ssl on all services. Also certbot disappeared & i had an error of python librairy (can't remember the name but an apt install certbot fixed it). Now script is working & SSL is live & renewed. Let's see if the automated update script will work in 3 month !
The above script should be considered ancient and should no longer be used in ISPConfig since version 3.2 as it is from then a built in component of ISPConfig. While it may still works, it is preferable that you remove it and all its setup, then simply use ISPConfig force update to replace it by chosing create ssl during that process. There should be a script to remove that old setup in my github where you got that script in the first place. The script however will not remove the server hostname fqdn web site you created in the ISPConfig GUI which must also be deleted.