CGI issues - 403 Error- Forbidden!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by itgroup, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    I have almost got ISPConfig working as I want however, i have an issue with CGI. I have just setup one web site and when you try to click a CGI link, you receive:

    [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]403 Error- Forbidden!

    [/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]The following error occurred:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]You are not permitted to access the requested URL [/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial]Please contact the Webmaster with any queries.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial]powered by ISPConfig[/FONT]
    If you go to and click any of the links on the left hand side you can repeat the error.
    I know this probably has something to do with CGI setup. I have clicked 'suexec' in the management section as well as enabled CGI in the sites section (for this site). What else can I try please?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you put the CGI scripts into the cgi-bin directory? Did you make them executable?
    Does it work without suExec?
  3. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    different error

    Hi Falko,
    thanks for the quick reply. I have moved the .cgi scripts to the cgi-bin directory and chmod to 755, but now I recieve:

    [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]500 error - Internal Server Error![/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]The following error occurred:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]The requested URL caused an internal server error. [/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial]If you get this message repeatedly please contact the Webmaster.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial]powered by ISPConfig[/FONT]

    Please advise. I have tried to run with suexec turned off - same error message.
  4. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You must put the cgi file to the cgi directory:


    and make shure that the file is owned by the admin user of the web and the group of the web.

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