Change ALL sites from fcgid to fpm

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by maxxer, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. maxxer

    maxxer Member

    I made some tests and I've seen I've no big issues in using some sites with php-fpm.
    Now I'd like to move all my configured domains (200) to use php-fpm instead of php-fcgid, is there any way to automatically change all the configuration without going one-by-one on the web frontend?

    Also, can I make php-fpm default selection when I add a new domain?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can do this e.g. in mysql and then use the resync tool to write the changes to disk. You can change the defult for clients by e.g. disabling all other php modes except of php-fpm for the client.
  3. maxxer

    maxxer Member

    thank you very much, worked great.
    a shame it cannot be set as default for new domains
  4. maxxer

    maxxer Member

    hi. now that I moved all my 200 domains to php-fpm, after one hour the server memory (8G) is FULL, it's taking down swap as well and doesn't seem to stop increasing!

    I did a first search and found out that setting fpm's pm = ondemand (instead of "dynamic", as currently set by ISPConfig) could save a lot of memory and processes on the server. Indeed I currently have 517 running fpm processes. that's pretty huge.

    How can I change the pm value for all domains? Should I change it in the DB and use the resync tool or is there a common global setting?
    Any other advice for fpm on busy sites?
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014

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