Change async html loading method (maybe 3.0.6)

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by cfoe, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. cfoe

    cfoe Member

    Hi guys,

    even before the 3.0.5 release I would like your input on this.
    As you know "back" and "forward" is not possible within ISPConfig. "There's an app for this" is not right here but there seams to be a way.

    Look at Facebook. You see that most content is loaded by ajax requests and changes the url in the browser window. It allows the user to use "back" and "forward".
    It would be a major change to the mechanics of the frontend but I think it might be a good point for the next major release.

    Just wanted to start the discussion here before clogging up the bugtracker feature requests
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    We can consider this for 3.0.6 if there is someone who wants to implement and contribute the code. 3.0.5 will be released soon, so no bigger changes will go into that release anymore.
  3. cfoe

    cfoe Member

    I was trying to do some research on the subject but I just did not get the right terms to find any fitting sources.
    What search terms could land me some results?
  4. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig uses Jquery, Yui has been removed in 3.0.4.
  6. cfoe

    cfoe Member

    That is not quiet what I was thinking about.

    I am looking for real url changes while asynchronously loading content
  7. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    As far as I can see facebook does not load the main page via ajax requests.
    When you click a link a new html page is loaded which then calls different ajax requests to load the contents into the page.
  8. cfoe

    cfoe Member

    the content of the facebook-dashboard is loaded asynchronously e.g. friends, messages and groups.

    Lets drop the facebook example. I know what I suggested is possible because I have seen it and read an article about it. I just can't remember where.

    I will look into jQuery. Surely there will be enough content about it.

    I will keep you in the loop about my findings and if I am up for the task of implementing it for 3.0.6 or maybe even earlier.

    One more question about jQuery. Is the included .js-file untouched? I would like to use the google hosted jquery library because I like me some cdn power where ever I can ;_)
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, its the default one. We have not used the google version as not every user might want to have a google tracker in its controlpanel :)
  10. cfoe

    cfoe Member

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It would be great if you cpuld contribute this to the ISPConfig documentation. I've sent you the login to our ispconfig documentation website by email.
  12. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    To be honest I would not like to have any external javascript loaded in my control panel.
    So maybe if you'd like to implement this, try to make it optional defaulting to "internal js".
  13. cfoe

    cfoe Member

    I know a lot of people have security concerns so I will only provide a quick-n-dirty tutorial what needs to be changed in the theme to implement cdn js-files
  14. cfoe

    cfoe Member

    I think it could be done with the HTML5 History API. I have no experience but I will look into it.
    Another question is legacy support for non-HTML5 browsers. That needs to be possible as well.:mad:

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