change from public ip to dmz

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by stargazer, May 8, 2018.

  1. stargazer

    stargazer Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I'm running ISPConfig 3.1.6 on Debian Wheezy with three machines.
    1. master/web/database
    2. e-mail
    3. DNS
    They are all on public IP addresses, but I want to move them behind the DMZ.
    If I understand correctly, I simply change the IP on the web/master/database server, set up my firewall, and reboot. Then everything works there.
    Unclear on what I need to do on the mail and DNS servers. Same thing? Is it that simple?
    Also, the database sync for ispconfig database. Do I give it the DMZ IP or the public IP, and how do I change that.
    Looks like, from the number or articles that popped up when I ran the search it might be a good place for a baby HowTo.
    Final question. I intend to set up XMPP. I have an XMPP server (ejabberd) that I manually configured a long time ago. When I tried to put that server behind the DMZ, XMPP stopped working; it needed another module I haven't figured out yet. I was going to go with your installation at a later date (after this move)
    So, my question is
    A. what do I need to do for each of these machines so they come up.
    B. What do I need to do so ISPConfig can talk between the master and slave. I understand the slaves are requesting updates (every hour) via, I assume, 3306.
    These are all production, so I can't have them down too long.
    Thank you,
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Change the IP address in the network configuration file of the operating system and in /etc/hosts file. By using the internal address for the server names in /etc/hosts, you can instruct the system to route the MySQL connections from ISPConfig over the internal network.

    The ISPConfig slaves connect to the master once a minute trough MySQL, so the final step is that you edit the ispcsrv* users in mysql and set the new IP addresses there to allow connections again (use the user editor in phpmyadmin as the ispcsrv* users are complex users with permission settings in different sub-tables).

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