Change IP addresses on ISPConfig3 Multi Server Setup?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Tekati, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Tekati

    Tekati Member Moderator

    I currently have 5 ISPConfig3 servers setup under the multi server configuration. I have to change the IP addresses of all 5 servers. How do I do this so that ISPConfig3 knows where to find the new servers and syncronize correctly.

    I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and changing the IP addresses in the OS is not an issue. Update the /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/hosts and reboot. But that will break synchronization for ISPConfig3 I believe due to the multi server setup.
  2. fatmike

    fatmike Member

    So the machines are the same. The only change is the IP for each server including master?
    I'm no expert but I would:
    1. Change the IP addresses first from the GUI of ISPConfig.
    2. Change the DNS zone accordingly.
    3. GRANT access to new IPs and "ungrant" the old ones.
    4. Update the /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts.

    First the slaves and the master at the end.

    But I'm no expert...

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