Hello, When i use ISPConfig 3 i use x.x.x.x:8000. How I can change this to a subdomain for example panel.example.com? For server DNS I use Cloudflare. I have definite record A x.x.x.x to panel.example.com
Set up a A record for panel.example.com to your IP and then visit panel.example.com:8080 (if it does not work right away, wait some time until changes are propagated)
Ok, I have set up it. When I ping panel.example.com I see my server Ip address. But I don't visit panel.example.com:8080. Does the hostname matter?
I connect to this address x.x.x.x:8000 But when I try to connect to this address x.x.x:8000 i see the error
https://panel.editit.pl:8000/ is working for me. You have a certificate error because there is no valid certificate. If your hostname is panel.editit.pl, run a force update and let it generate a new cert: Code: ispconfig_update.sh --force If your hostname is different, use this guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/securing-ispconfig-3-with-a-free-lets-encrypt-ssl-certificate/ (if you are using acme.sh, make sure to replace use /root/.acme.sh instead of /etc/letsencrypt)
Just a note, you can follow this as well: https://www.howtoforge.com/communit...encrypt-certificate-when-using-acme-sh.86950/