change php version

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by theking2, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. theking2

    theking2 New Member

    we've been doing a redesign on a website. for that we create a webdomain "dev.domain.tld" (client1/web6) in parallel with the productive "domain.tld" (client1/web1). After the dev website was finilized we took the new site online by changing the symlinks in /var/www and /var/www/clients/client1. The new site is online now but is using the wrong (old) php version. We've change the web_domain.fastcgi_php_version text in the database but this has no effect, the wrong version is used.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    the problem is that you manually changed the symlinks. The correct way to take a dev website online is to change the domain in ispconfig. e.g. change the current site from domain.tld to old.comain.tld and then the dev site from dev.domain.tld to domain.tld. Never chang any of the site symlinks manually as this will mess up the config and will break the server sooner or later.
  3. theking2

    theking2 New Member

    I tried exactly to do that but I get this error:
    The Domain can not be changed. Please ask your Administrator if you want to change the domain name.
    So for me it was the only option to get it online.

    were is the php version configured? it is not in the clients/client1/web1 folder
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you have the domain module enabled? Where did you try to change the domain, in the domain module or in the website?

    You add new php versions under System A additional PHP versions. you can select the php version then in the website settings.

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