Dear ISPConfig team, I would like to deploy a php project in Symfony7 but for that, i will need that the document root will not indicate : /var/www/clients/client0/web6 but /var/www/clients/client0/web6/public/ Could you help me telling me how to do it ? I guess it's in in PHP open_basedir, but i don't want to make stupid thinks so i prefer to ask. And is there any impact for the https certificate. thanks for your time. Pierrot
set it in the apache/nginx directives section in the options tab of the website settings apache: DocumentRoot /var/www/clients/client0/web6/web/public nginx: ##subroot public ##
Ok super, thanks so i add in Apache Directives : {DOCROOT}/public <Directory {DOCROOT}/public> AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> That's enought, Correct ?
Use: Code: DocumentRoot {DOCROOT_CLIENT}/public for an Apache server if you do not want to hard-code the path as {DOCROOT_CLIENT} variable contains the real folder name (/var/www/clientX/webY/web), while {DOCROOT} contains just the symlink path (domain name path). I don't think you need the Directory part. But if it does not work, you can try to add it.