Change to new ip

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by metaldrummer, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. metaldrummer

    metaldrummer New Member

    today I changed my server ip address.
    When i start, ISPConfig (2.2.35) change the ip in apache Vhosts_ispconfig.conf to old ip. How do I keep the new ip. In customer administration ==> site management which shows the customer sites shows me the ip, but it shows the old. Where does that value as in mysql ip change to the new in all tables.
    open suselinux 11.0


    David Lagos S.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please modify the IP under Management > Server > Settings.
  3. metaldrummer

    metaldrummer New Member

    Hi Falko:

    Remains the same.
    Deputy images.



    It might work if I upgrade to 2.2.36?
    The tables in the database show the new ip.
  4. metaldrummer

    metaldrummer New Member

    I upgraded to 2.2.36 and same problem... when start ispconfig change to old ip. Hurry. Any idea?

    OpenSuse 11.0
  5. createch

    createch New Member

    If the number of sites are not too many, please update each site's ip manually in the ipsconfig panel, otherwise use a sql update command to do the job and then mark the record update tag to "require update"
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    After you've changed the IP under Management > Server > Settings, you must change the IP for all your web sites in ISPConfig as well.
  7. metaldrummer

    metaldrummer New Member

    When i see table all field with ip number has 190.nn.nn.nn (new ip).
    From where read data ispconfig for show old ip data?
    Sorry for my english


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