change website name

Discussion in 'General' started by aqua, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. aqua

    aqua New Member

    Hello, I wold like to change the website name in Mangement --> Server --> Settinging.

    What services will be affected, if any?

  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    You can change the domainmname, but it must be the same as defined within your /etc/hosts file.

    You can set your hostname like this:

    echo > /etc/hostname
    /bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname

    Verify the hostname with:

    hostname -f

    If the output of the hostname -f is:

    Your domainname within ISPConfig under Management > Server > Settings should be:

    Hostame: www
  3. aqua

    aqua New Member

    thanks hans. I guess I should make my question a bit more specific.

    A little while ago I changed the name of a one of my clients websites in ISP manager --> Sites -->

    All seemed to work ok (eg the new site name worked for apache), but email was being rejected.

    If, under the old site i had the user name bob, then his email was [email protected]. When I changed the domain name, I looked under the user tab, and ISPconfig changed everything to the, ie. [email protected].

    Postfix was rejecting email to [email protected] though with message user not found, because apparently it still looked for [email protected].

    So, if I change my domain name in managment --> server --> settings, will i still be able to receive email? I noticed that incoming email is first checked to see if the user exists(eg [email protected]), then it delivers it using the domain name i specified in server --> settings ([email protected]).

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, this setting has nothing to do with postfix.

    Please make sure that you edit the co-domain from to on the co-domain tab too and not just the main website domain.
  5. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang New Member

    Why would i set host=www and not host=server1 in Management > Server > Settings?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    server1 would be correct. :)

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