changing configuration

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by notze, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. notze

    notze New Member

    i installed ispconfig on 3 debian-server

    A <-- dns server, mail server, db server, webserver
    B <-- redundant server from A
    C <-- only webserver

    now i want to move the mail from A and B to C or D(new one).

    how can i disable the mailing service on A & B ?

    Any ideas would be great !! thx!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    First change all MX records and create transports on A and B so that mails that arrive on these servers are forwarded to C (see
    man 5 transport
    ). After a week or so (after your DNS changes have propagated) you can switch off Postfix and Dovecot/Courier on A and B.
  3. notze

    notze New Member

    thx, great!

    to copy the maildirs, can i just rsync them?

    and is there a way to export import the mailsettings?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2012
  4. notze

    notze New Member

    okay for all interested

    the rsync of the cur and new folders works like a charm.

    just the import export of the entries in ispconfig is unclear

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