OK... so I've decided to reconfigure my install of ISPConfig so it is on its own IP (only used by DNS, ssh, and mail otherwise - my hosted sites all use a different IP) and to make it listen to 443 instead of 81. After that, I'll be getting a "real" SSL cert. So I've gotten ISPConfig to only listen to one address. All hosted sites are being served up by apache2 on a different address. No problem, did it following the directions that Falko and Till have posted on changing domain name, etc. And it all works! Next I replaced all instances of 81 with 443 in /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/httpd_conf and in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php - and I can no longer connect to ISPConfig, or telnet to the IP port 443 that it should be listening to, or see any signs of it in the output of netstat. I think that ISPConfig isn't restarting after my config change, even though it reports that it is in the console. Any idea on log files, etc. to look in for a clue? Once I'm successful I think I'll write a little shell script to do this and post it... I've seen a few other posts like mine, but nothing definitive as far as a fix goes.
Well then... tried again, and it works. FF still throws an error 'cause its a self signed cert, but that is next on the list.
If replacing 81 to 443 in those files, changing back should at least solve your problem in that way, that ispconfig will start again, fine? I guess you are not planning to serve hosts configured with ispconfig via https? If so you would'nt be able to as 443 is already in use. What I did herefore is, I added a new web, just for ssl, with a valid vert, with the following http directives: This may be a more or less ssl-proxy web, so I could place other pages behind that as well, e.g. roundcube (that I personally added in this ssl web directly instead of placing it "inside" ispconfig)
What I did was make backup copies of all the files, and just used sed -i s/81/443/g httpd* Did the same to the config.inc.php file in the /home/admispconfig/.... directory, and it works. Just need to set up a "real" SSL cert now, and I'm good to go.