changing from VHCS2 to ISP Config

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by lostmail, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. lostmail

    lostmail New Member

    Hi, Community !
    My partner and me are changing from VHCS2 to ISP Config by moving to a new webserver.

    There are running several sites with following CMS systems:

    PHPNUKE (Version 6 and up)
    OSC (OS Commerce)

    Are there any things I have to check before i move the sites to the new ISP Config managed Webserver ?

    Thanks an lot for information !
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is nothing special to to do. You might have to change the path settings in the configuration files of the CMS systems in case they are hardcoded. For Joomla you might have to change the .htaccess file as described here:

    or change the AllowOverride settings in your apache configuration to be less strict to allow all the settings needed by joomla from within a .htaccess file.

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