I have a linksys router and I want to change to a d-link router. The ip address is different for the d-link that the linksys. linksys is new router has Is there a way I can change the ip on my Linux box? I have Debian perfect setup on it and have a few websites running. Thanks for the help
Why don't you change just the IP / used Network on your router? for the rest googling for "change ip debian" would guide you pages like: http://www.wallpaperama.com/forums/how-to-change-setup-network-linux-debian-ip-address-t1677.html where this is quite easy described. and it's also described here, eventhough a search for "change ip" in this forum finds something helpful on the second resultpage at earliest http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28368&highlight=change