Changing settings on e-mail deletes mailbox

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by felan, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. felan

    felan Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have a really odd problem, that's shown up some months ago. First I thought it was a fluke, but recently we've had to bulk change info on accounts, adding greylist on them, and when we do that, some mailboxes get deleted.
    I first discovered this when I changed a password on an account, thankfully I have a good backup system, so no data lost, but still.
    Any ideas?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Never seen a mail account disappears that was not deleted by someone in ISPConfig. Enable debug logging in ispconfig so you can see what happens in detail the next time. And you can take a look into the sys_datalog table, there you can see which user deleted the account at which timepoint.
  3. felan

    felan Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi Till.
    I was the one working on changing things over for some users, so I know no one deleted the account, and besides it was just the files that disappeared. The account stayed... Kind of odd... And no there is nothing in sys_datalog to suggest anything either... It's rather odd...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you check for update and delete actions of this account? ISPConfig is not able to do any actions that are not in the datalog, so there must be either an update or delete action for this account or the files were not removed by ISPConfig.
  5. felan

    felan Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yep I did. Action = U, status = ok, error = NULL
    data =
    a:2:{s:3:"old";a:41:{s:11:"mailuser_id";s:2:"54";s:10:"sys_userid";s:1:"1";s:11:"sys_groupid";s:2:"45";s:13:"sys_perm_user";s:4:"riud";s:14:"sys_perm_group";s:4:"riud";s:14:"sys_perm_other";s:0:"";s:9:"server_id";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:26:"[email protected]";s:5:"login";s:26:"[email protected]";s:8:"password";s:34:"$1$rw48MvMh$mVlJrLb0k8fEYbEKHbGt00";s:4:"name";s:0:"";s:3:"uid";s:4:"5000";s:3:"gid";s:4:"5000";s:7:"maildir";s:45:"/media/vmail/vmail/";s:14:"maildir_format";s:7:"maildir";s:5:"quota";s:1:"0";s:2:"cc";s:0:"";s:9:"sender_cc";s:0:"";s:7:"homedir";s:18:"/media/vmail/vmail";s:13:"autoresponder";s:1:"n";s:24:"autoresponder_start_date";N;s:22:"autoresponder_end_date";N;s:21:"autoresponder_subject";s:19:"Out of office reply";s:18:"autoresponder_text";N;s:9:"move_junk";s:1:"n";s:17:"custom_mailfilter";N;s:7:"postfix";s:1:"y";s:11:"greylisting";s:1:"n";s:6:"access";s:1:"n";s:11:"disableimap";s:1:"n";s:11:"disablepop3";s:1:"n";s:14:"disabledeliver";s:1:"n";s:11:"disablesmtp";s:1:"n";s:12:"disablesieve";s:1:"n";s:19:"disablesieve-filter";s:1:"n";s:10:"disablelda";s:1:"n";s:11:"disablelmtp";s:1:"n";s:14:"disabledoveadm";s:1:"n";s:23:"last_quota_notification";N;s:15:"backup_interval";s:4:"none";s:13:"backup_copies";s:1:"1";}s:3:"new";a:41:{s:11:"mailuser_id";s:2:"54";s:10:"sys_userid";s:1:"1";s:11:"sys_groupid";s:2:"45";s:13:"sys_perm_user";s:4:"riud";s:14:"sys_perm_group";s:4:"riud";s:14:"sys_perm_other";s:0:"";s:9:"server_id";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:26:"[email protected]";s:5:"login";s:26:"[email protected]";s:8:"password";s:34:"$1$UKFCggaM$QXHJCv3K3TIyN8hswRLO70";s:4:"name";s:0:"";s:3:"uid";s:4:"5000";s:3:"gid";s:4:"5000";s:7:"maildir";s:45:"/media/vmail/vmail/";s:14:"maildir_format";s:7:"maildir";s:5:"quota";s:1:"0";s:2:"cc";s:0:"";s:9:"sender_cc";s:0:"";s:7:"homedir";s:18:"/media/vmail/vmail";s:13:"autoresponder";s:1:"n";s:24:"autoresponder_start_date";N;s:22:"autoresponder_end_date";N;s:21:"autoresponder_subject";s:19:"Out of office reply";s:18:"autoresponder_text";N;s:9:"move_junk";s:1:"n";s:17:"custom_mailfilter";N;s:7:"postfix";s:1:"y";s:11:"greylisting";s:1:"n";s:6:"access";s:1:"n";s:11:"disableimap";s:1:"n";s:11:"disablepop3";s:1:"n";s:14:"disabledeliver";s:1:"n";s:11:"disablesmtp";s:1:"n";s:12:"disablesieve";s:1:"n";s:19:"disablesieve-filter";s:1:"n";s:10:"disablelda";s:1:"n";s:11:"disablelmtp";s:1:"n";s:14:"disabledoveadm";s:1:"n";s:23:"last_quota_notification";N;s:15:"backup_interval";s:4:"none";s:13:"backup_copies";s:1:"1";}}
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And the timestamp of that action in the datalog matches the disappearance of the email data? In this case, take a look at the directory /var/vmail/corrupted/ if the mailbox is there. (the /var/vmail/ part might differ, depending on your mail root).

    When you update a mailbox and ispconfig finds a directory in the place where the mailbox shell be that is missing subdirectories like new and cur, then ispconfig has to assume that someone put some other data into that place so it moves the mail data to the corrupted directory and creates an empty new mailbox
  7. felan

    felan Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Nope no data in there either...
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then I have no idea what happened. You should switch on the ispconfig debug log, you will get a huge log file but at least you will get a log of all steps ispconfig is taking in detail.

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