Hi, I'm receiving this in my logs every minute of every hour, running on ISPConfig 3.1b1: DEBUG - Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock DEBUG - Calling function 'check_phpini_changes' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by action 'server_plugins_loaded'. DEBUG - Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock Why might this be happening? I remember trying to add an "auto_prepend_file" setting to my php.ini for one of my websites because Wordfence (A WordPress security plugin) told me to do so, however that never ended up working and I have removed it since then. These are the only settings I've used on my websites: upload_max_filesize=20M post_max_size = 20M memory_limit=256M log_errors = on Thanks!
Just guessing, but do you have a .vhost.err file showing up under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ ? If it helps, I recently ran through setting up the wordfence firewall in all php modes on ispconfig 3.1 - you only need that auto_prepend_file statement for hhvm, the .user.ini file works fine for fastcgi and php-fpm.
Not in sites-enabled, but I do in sites-available. How can I find out what the error is? I am using hhvm, I forgot to mention. That is the reason I tried to add the statement, however it had no effect. Edit: I just renamed my vhost to vhost.bak and vhost.err to vhost, restarted apache2, and checked the logs; no errors. The website works fine. No idea why the err file was even generated...
It appears that the server.php file is being run every single minute, which forces a reload of every plugin. Is this intended behavior?