chkrootkit indicates Suckit Rootkit. Rootkit Hunter does not.

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by ensens, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. ensens

    ensens Member


    I'm using:
    -chkrootkit version 0.48
    -Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.4
    -Ubuntu 9.10

    I don't know much about computers.

    A) Yesterday I ran 'chkrootkit' and it indicated:
    - Searching for Suckit rootkit... Warning: /sbin/init INFECTED
    Then, I ran 'rkhunter -c' and it said my PC did not have Suckit:
    - Suckit Rootkit [ Not found ]

    B) So, I thought my PC might be infected. So I reinstalled from scratch. After re-installing Ubuntu I installed 'chkrootkit' and ran it and it said:
    - Searching for Suckit rootkit... nothing found

    C) Next, I updated the system with Synaptic Package Manager. And I re-ran 'chkrootkit'. This time it found it again and said:
    - Searching for Suckit rootkit... Warning: /sbin/init INFECTED
    I also re-ran 'rkhunter -c'
    - Suckit Rootkit [ Not found ]

    D) What would you suggest the next step be? Should I ignore this?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's strange. It seems as if /sbin/init got updated, and chkrootkit doesn't know it and therefore thinks it's malware. Did you search Google if others have the same problem as well?
  3. ensens

    ensens Member

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009

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