chmod - no reaction

Discussion in 'Technical' started by dante06, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. dante06

    dante06 New Member

    hey there
    i am really new to this forum
    just installed debian and added my ipod to fstab. mounting works good and well, but I can't change the permissions of /mnt/ipod! even if i type "chmod ugo+rwx /mnt/ipod" in the root console, the command has no effect - the permissions stay the same. chown doesn't work either - output is "not permitted"...
    any ideas?

    (if this post already appeared I'm sorry - I didn't find anything as I searched around)
    thx for eventual help!

    lg dante
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you run chmod as root?
  3. dante06

    dante06 New Member

    yeah, I did, but I wasn't logged on as root, just executed the console with root permissions...
    is it necessary to absolutely log on as root?

    g dante
  4. dante06

    dante06 New Member

    i figured it out
    to be logged on as normal user and execute a console with root rights doesn't give you that much permissions as to be logged on as root!
    i re-logged in as root and tried again - successful.
    thx falco for the quick reply


    this thing is driving me crazy - I can change mode as long as I want but as soon as I plug the ipod in, the permissions are changed back to the old ones! and when the ipod is plugged in, I can't change anything anyway! any ideas? (besides, I can't change permissions for hdd partitions too)
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2006

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