Hi folks, I would like to create a jail for a user and I have followed the tutorial "Chrooted SSH/SFTP On Fedora 7". The problem is the path. Where have I set the jail destination path? testuser:x:10108:100:testuser:/home/chroot/./home/testuser/:/bin/bash If I would like to set this (/var/www/web13/web/_services/wordpress) other directory as root? Regards
Are you talking about ISPConfig or jails in general? If you are talking about ispconfig, just enable chrroting in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php. Every new or updated user will be chrooted.
Yes, but this does not answer the question if you want to chroot ispconfig users or if thats a system without ispconfig and you want to chroot a user that you created manually.
I would like to set a particular folder to a group or user by ISPConfig or Manually. However I have executed all the commands in that tutorial.
You can not set particular folders for ispconfog users. Please enable chrooting in ispconfiog as I described above.