Have wgetted the following files, what's the installation order? clamav-base_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_all.deb clamav-daemon_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb clamav-dbg_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb clamav-freshclam_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb clamav-milter_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb clamav_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb libclamav-dev_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb libclamav6_0.96.5+dfsg-1~volatile1_amd64.deb I have tried to install it out-of-order, but clamav did not work. Cannot apt-get install the new clamav vision for my Ubuntu 8.04, tried many times and failed finally. So I have to try to install it maunally.
This are debian volatile packages, I doubt that they can be installed on Ubuntu 8.04. If you need a newer clamav version, then you should update your ubuntu install to a newer version which will update clamav as well.