Client can't change PHP options

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by tonytroy, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. tonytroy

    tonytroy Member

    Hi there,

    On the admin panel I set the permission for a specific client in order that he can switch the PHP options (Mod_PHP, Fast-CGI, etc.).

    When I log in the panel with the client user/password, I see this option that is set on "Mod_PHP", I change it for "Fast-CGI" and save, but when I come back to the website settings, the option is still on "Mod-PHP".

    It looks like the user is not able to change it. Is it normal or there is a problem ? (And if it's normal, why the client can see the options if he can't change it ?)

    Thx for your help.


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This behaviour is intended. When you create a website as admin for a client, then the settings of this site get locked to prevent that the client changes them on its own. he can see them but not alter them. When a client creates a site himself you you use the login as function to create the site as client user, then he will be able to change the site settings.
  3. tonytroy

    tonytroy Member

    Ok, thx for the information till, next time i'll let the client user account create the website :)

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