When autobackup is enabled ISPConfig delete all files in backup folder and creates backup for last day. http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12339 Is there a way to set how many days to keep backups or how to set ISPConfig not to delete backup files?
Hi I have modify the backup script to redirect the backup to /backup I have change this HTML: // Move file in /backup directory // $backup_dir = $httpd_root ."/web".$web_id."/backup"; $backup_dir = "/backup/web".$web_id; // $web_user = fileowner($web_pfad); // $web_group = filegroup($web_pfad); if(!@is_dir($backup_dir)) { mkdir($backup_dir,0755); } else { exec("rm -rf $backup_dir/*"); } /* if(@fileowner($backup_dir) != $web_user) { chown($backup_dir,$web_user); } if(@filegroup($backup_dir) != $web_group) { chgrp($backup_dir,$web_group); } */ I have create a perl script for moving the backup file to the same folder and rename them HTML: #!/usr/bin/perl $repertoire = @ARGV[0]; $rep_backup= @ARGV[1]; $fichier_log= @ARGV[2]; open LOG,">".$fichier_log; if ( @ARGV != 3 ) { print "\nSyntax: perl mv-backup.pl repertoire_sources repertoire_dest fichier_log \n\n"; exit 1; } if (substr($repertoire,length($repertoire)-1) ne "/"){ $repertoire = $repertoire."/"; } #lecture des fichiers d'un repertoire opendir REP,$repertoire or die "impossible d'ouvrir le repertoire"; @fichiers = readdir REP; closedir REP; foreach $fichier (@fichiers){ $prefixe= $fichier."_"; $fichier = $repertoire.$fichier; if (($fichier ne $repertoire."..") and ($fichier ne $repertoire.".") and (-d $fichier)){ $fichier=$fichier."/"; opendir REP,$fichier or die "impossible d'ouvrir le repertoire"; @fichiers2 = readdir REP; closedir REP; foreach $fichier2 (@fichiers2){ $nom_fichier = $fichier2; $fichier2 = $fichier.$fichier2; if (-f $fichier2){ print LOG "$fichier2\n"; rename $fichier2,$rep_backup.$prefixe.$nom_fichier; print $fichier2,$rep_backup.$prefixe.$nom_fichier."\n\r"; } } } } close LOG; perl mv-backup.pl /backup/ /sites/ log_file_mv.txt And with this command i delete older than four days find /sites/ -mtime +4 -exec rm {} \;
Is this still valid? Hello folks, I find myself making lots of mistakes while learning about webs etc. Im trying to teach myself multiple things so I have for instance a practice drupal site, practice joomla site, practice word press site etc. I often forget to make a backup then I screw the proverbial pooch on something, and have to start waaaaay back to my last backup. (which maybe isnt a bad thing since it makes me practice over and over lol) I have a few questions regarding this autobackup setup. 1. Is this still the best way to do autobackups, with the post being two years old? I found this one searching http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46280&highlight=backup+script But that one looks highly complex and also says restoring etc can have very bad results, should I pursue this route or the other one? 2. The code that is in swiss or french, can that just be plugged into google translate? I know sometimes things don't translate well because of verb conjugation etc. 3. Once translated I would save it to cgi bin? and run the command listed at the bottom? Thanks as always, Scott