Hi there, I trust all are well. I am setting up client templates, and want to confirm the disk quota sections. 1. Do the templates have an option for "total" quote (i.e. the sum of all of the other quota's) 2. Mail quota - is this quota included in the overall limit for the template, or is it separate from the web quota? In another way, if I set 10GB web quota, and 10GB mail quota, does this mean effectively that the customer is able to use up to 20GB?
Yes, you got that right, your customer can effectively use under such circumstances up to 20GB of the available disk space but only 10GB for each service.
Do you know of a way to set overall limits for a template? I want to limit the total disk usage per client based on a "plan".
This will not work as dovecot IMAP is not able to consolidate its virtual Maildir quota against Linux filesystem quota used by websites.
Yes, and to my knowledge there may not be anything enforcing it, though I sure could be wrong on that.