Client templates: number of domains & storage quota

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pjdevries, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. pjdevries

    pjdevries Member

    I'm in the process of migrating my clients from ISPConfig 2 to ISPConfig 3 and I'm struggling with a few things concerning client templates:

    1. I can set the Max. number of e-mail domains and the Max. number of web domains. The problem is I don't know beforehand how many domains a client will register over time. How do I best utilize those fields?
    2. I can set both the Mailbox quota and Web quota. In ISPConfig 2 there is only one quota setting for available storage space and my hosting plans are set up accordingly. How does that translate to ISPConfig 3? As I don't know beforehand how my clients will use their storage space, i.e. how much they will use for e-mail and how much for web space, how do I specify those values?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) If you charge them on the number of domains they use anyway, then set it to unlimited.
    2) Take a look at your current customers storage usage for web and email and then divide it accordingly.

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