I might be overlooking something obvious here but I cannot seem to find the state of the total allocated and used web quotas for any given client. I mean, how can an admin or a client check that how much space is allocated in total or to check the remaining space that can be allocated to a newly created or modified sites? I would expect this absolutely essential and basic information displayed somewhere with the clients. Yes, I mean the amount of allocated virtual quota ("Limit" in ISPC) and the sum of the real quota used up within the virtual limit for a client, not per site.
You can see the used disk space in the quota statistics and on the dashboard. There is no statistics for the assigned but unused space.
Do you mean the website quota stats? Yes, I have that. But I want to see the total for a limit within the allotted limit setting, eg. the sum of used quota of all websites of a user. Is that possible? It's very hard to juggle with space with a user with a dozen of sites to balance available space.
Well, to be honest, the same applies to the mailbox quotas. I can't see the sum used by any given client that effectively renders the limit system almost unusable. It sets a virtual bound for the user managing his space but since he cannot see the ceiling it becomes very difficult to balance available mail space.
OK. I think the sum of all assigned and used limits and quotas are very important. For a customer to see what he's assigned and what he's using is a must for any service provider, even the small ones sucha as ours. How difficult would it be to implement it? I'm willing to give it a shot.
It should not be that complicated, make a copy of the current quota dashlet and / or quota list and replace the quota values that are currently fetched from the monitoring system with sum values that you get out of the database. e.g. sum up all email quota's of a client.
Hi Till wanted to ask same/similar question. So when I create client with Limits for Web Quota and Mailbox quota and the client does not limit the hardisk qouta for website/mailbox it will show on the dash only used space for specific site/mailbox and in the limits as unlimited? When I add the qouta for specific site/mailbox it is shown and it works. But in Site -> Statistics -> Website quota (harddisk) I get blank page, but the page numbers are correct (have 20 websites for 2 pages of 15). Any idea why it's blank?
I've made a first version of the total client web quota dashlet. I'm attaching an image about its looks. The client column is of the format: username (customer_no). I didn't want to include possible company name, etc. info to keep the table compact. Any comments or improvement suggestions are welcome.