Clients not all showing

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by voidzero, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. voidzero

    voidzero New Member

    I have about 5 clients, but there are only 2 showing. Even a newly added customer is not being shown. I don't know how to fix this. The problem is now that I cannot review their settings, limits etc.
  2. voidzero

    voidzero New Member

    Found it:
    in client_list.php:
    $app->listform_actions->SQLExtWhere = "limit_client = 0";

    Some are set to -1. Should I change that in the DB?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There has no code to be changed! You mix up clients and resellers, the clients that you allowed to have subclients, are in the resellers list.
  4. voidzero

    voidzero New Member

    Oh, nono, sorry. I didn't mean that I wanted to change code; I meant that this code was in client_list.php, but that in my database, my clients had limit_client set to -1 thus they weren't shown in any list. I changed the values of -1 in the database to 0 and now they show up again. But I wonder why this has happened.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, clients with limit_client set to -1 should be shown as resellers of course, thanks for reporting this. I've added it to the bugtracker.

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