Cloud 9.10 server.. Yes I know..

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by HarshReality, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. HarshReality

    HarshReality New Member

    I'd be interested in a down and dirty minimal cloud server setup and how to setup a minimal 'dummy client' machine. I have to youngsters here who use the system to do school work and to be honest I'd rather avoid a POS barebone windows machine.. As I understand cloud systems all the data is stored on the server and the applications are virtualized so I could effectively regulate what they do/do not install (I know.. linux permissions etc. but its far easier when one machine goes down due to kids goofing to just replace the machine and pick up with no data loss).

    Also, have the browser in cloud using dans guardian or the like to filter content.. I know.. Im new to the whole concept this is why I suggest a tutorial ;)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  2. syadnom

    syadnom New Member

    not really 'the cloud'

    I think that you are using the 'cloud' analogy wrong.

    The 'cloud' is a concept where the services are run in a virtualization structure. the 'cloud' aka internet aka web is an economic function, not a replacement for desktop hardware. You dont run a browser in a cloud because it is a native app(and should be) on your desktop.

    you would run your website in a cloud, your php app, mail server, etc. You might even host a Windows server for RDP desktops or a Linux LTSP for dumb terminals. There are efforts to put your office apps in 'the cloud' also.

    I think what you should really be looking at is an LTSP server which is the Linux Terminal Server Project. It lets you use old hardware as a simple 'head' unit with video, keyboard and mouse and then process everything on servers.

    Edubuntu is actually designed for this. google them up and there is a guide that is pretty good.
  3. HarshReality

    HarshReality New Member

    OK, attempting to clarify..
    By your definition cloud being virtualization and the browser being a localized application which could be utilized to access then your correct. I'd like to setup a complete virtual environment with applications so that I could setup a netbook etc. as a thin client (for lack of a better term) having nothing more than a browser. In this way the work the kids here at home etc. have all their data stored on my own local server and can use applications I would install on that server to complete their homework etc.

    If I were to offer the simplest example I would say ChromiumOS however I would like to have the login server here at home rather than hitting gmail as that is by their definition an OS.. but for all intents and purposes is a good example as well whereby all the OS/browser is localized and you are using a browser to access the environment.

    I did notice you used the word 'windows' which I would like to avoid all together. While I have Edubuntu Installs my other reason for doing this is remote adminitration (indirect). I wouldnt have to ask them where their gear is or if its active to alter configuration of the server. On the same note I could simply interchange hardware for access if they were to destroy it.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  4. HarshReality

    HarshReality New Member

    So after thinking about this and the "entire OS" installs making use of a web browser Ive wondered about chromeOS.. possibly make a series of USB keys for my daughters to boot to where the backbone of the OS is in fact the browser. Each one configured to open the local URL and then login from there into a local cloud server. Again.. my issue is total setup and access. While google has always provided a wealth of resources 99% are busy explaining how it works and what its advantages are rather than how to make one.

    Of course the problems I foresee from doodling while hunting for a complete guide are rather obvious.. chromeOS is relying on a gmail/google account in order to fully activate which would imply mandatory outside access to the net rather than a simple local network. I do suppose I could dive into the code and see about changing the direction it uses to login but I would be opening a huge can of worms before the self maintained cloud is even active and I can examine its full potential. Ive looked at my own compilations and can create a backdoor login but in doing so the network is not active :/ go figure. be continued

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