clustering questions

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by olaulau, Today at 1:32 AM.

  1. olaulau

    olaulau New Member

    Hi ;
    I've never tried clustering, but I'm willing to.
    - are clustering installation still supported ?
    - install documentation about clustering are very old (debian 6 / 8), do you thing they are still valid for actuel distro ?
    - is it possible, on a basic installation (standalone web mysql email dns) to add a new server, which will be in a cluster (or mirror) with actual services ?
  2. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter


    There is a Version for Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10. Should be the same process for Debian 11/12 / Ubuntu 22.04/24.04

    Not sure if it is possible to convert this into a multiserver setup. I would rather install a new multiserver setup and then use the migration toolkit to move the data to the new servers

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