co-domains adding error

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by itti, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. itti

    itti New Member

    I've a problem adding a co-domain. I've browsed and searched the forum and I saw many similar questions but I did not find any hint for my problem.

    I have the need to point to one site and to another site but when adding the second one I get the error

    "The Domain belongs to another client"

    I'm sure that the sub-domain bbb of has never been used (nor trashed) but I get this error. Could this be related to the presence of (without any third level subdomain) in another site ?

    Thank you for any suggestion,
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes. The message appears if you try to add a subdomain of a existing domain to another customer then the customer that owns

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