Compiling Kernel from ssh session.

Discussion in 'Kernel Questions' started by joelee, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. joelee

    joelee New Member

    I wanted to know if there is a problem/issues compiling a kernel from a SSH session as appose to being directly on the PC console. I'm asking cause I am using VMware and have installed a Debian on one VM and using ssh from a windows VM to compile the debian host. It makes it easy to copy/paste from the ssh shell. But, I am not sure if there is problem to doing this when compiling kernel.

  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    No problem at all. After you have compiled and installed the kernel, you have to reboot to load your new kernel. You can restart from a ssh connection.

    The only time you might need console access either to select the just created kernel in the boot menu, of to fix problems when your system does not start because of some error.

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