Hello, I'm a newbie in compiling and i want install ffmpeg-php (http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/). I' have ispconfig on debian. I' have install ffmeg with apt-get but ffmeg-php require compiling. Somebody can explain it to me how to make? Thank you with you
I'm also a newbie. This is how I did it a long time ago on my Debian system (and it's workfing fine) 1) wget http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ffmpeg-php/ffmpeg-php-0.4.8.tbz2 2) tar -xjf ffmpeg-php-0.4.8.tbz2 3) rename ffmpeg-php-0.4.8.tbz2 to ffmpeg-php 4) move ffmpeg-php to /usr/include/php4/ext 5) cd /usr/include/php4/ext/ffmpeg-php 6) phpize Now you need to configure and build the extension. 1) ./configure && make 2) make install
ffmpeg-php for Centos 5 Anyone out there installed it successfully on a Centos5 Box? My attempts fail.