computer requirements for ispconfig3

Discussion in 'General' started by timreichhart, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. timreichhart

    timreichhart New Member

    Hi Guys
    I would like to know what computer requirements I would need for ispconfig3? I would also know what are you running on?
  2. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

    Depends on how many domains you want host on that server. However, ISPConfig manage an SQL sever so you might consider to have some power in your CPU and some RAM.

    My srv - 2,2GH Pentium 4 with 2GB Ram.. 74 GB HDD in RAID (at this point only 2 web and mail)
  3. timreichhart

    timreichhart New Member

    can I use a older machine to do this with?
  4. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

    Maybe, post your HW config
  5. timreichhart

    timreichhart New Member

    its intel p3 with 512mb memory and 40gb hard drive.
  6. Ghostdare

    Ghostdare Member

    You can give a try, but don't put many hosts on it.

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