Configure VNC from remote CLI

Discussion in 'Technical' started by SoMBS, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. SoMBS

    SoMBS New Member

    Typically, when I set up remote control to a PC it has been Windows to Windows. I use Putty and VNC for 'secure' tunneling of VNC traffic. I have an Utuntu Feisty installed at a remote location. I want to do the same thing with Putty and VNC as I've done in the past. I really like Ubuntu and am trying to figure out how I can set VNC server up from the CLI. I am remote and I don't want any user involvement. So, I want to set the VNC server up to accept remote connections and share the desktop. I have read quite a bit about it and I have the server running. Any of the documentation I have read wants the user to go in and enable remote desktop sharing etc. But I don't want user involvement.

    Can I set this up exclusively from SSH CLI? I have looked over the vnc.conf file etc. and have done a bit of research. If I have to walk the user through setting up locally and testing with them that is fine. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Ideally, setting all of this up remotely is ideal without any user intervention.
  2. SoMBS

    SoMBS New Member

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