Configure VPS on ISPCONFIG

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by pawan, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. pawan

    pawan Member

    I am using ISPCONFIG, since very long, but have not used the VPS.
    Where I can have a detailed instruction how can add multiple VPS on existing ISPCONFIG installation.
    while seeing the Control Panel it says minimal debian.
    so say some one wants centos or Ubuntu specific version, is it possible?
    How can deploy from the start. which link I need to follow?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you want to manage virtual machines from within ISPConfig (with the VM module)? ISPConfig is using OpenVZ as the basis for the VM feature, the OpenVZ project stopped their Kernel Development, so OpenVZ is not available anymore for latest Linux distributions. We will develop a new VM module for ISPConfig by using a different technology (KVM or LXC or something similar), but this has not been started yet.
  3. pawan

    pawan Member

    but since you say that OpenVZ project stopped their kernel development.
    what other options I have to manage VPS from within ISPCONFIG or otherwise?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There are no other options to manage a VM from within ISPConfig at the moment.
    pawan likes this.
  5. pawan

    pawan Member

    Hi Till, you recently said that
    the OpenVZ project stopped their Kernel Development, so OpenVZ is not available anymore for latest Linux distributions,
    but now I see openVZ new version, does it mean, I can use latest Linux distributions with OpenVZ.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What you probably mean is OpenVZ 7? Thats's not the original openvz, they re-used the brand name for a set of scripts that are based on KVM, that's completely different software than the original Openvz and not compatible.
  7. pawan

    pawan Member

    Thanks for the clarification Till, I was not aware about that.
    but as I could see even in the present form in ISPCONFIG, I can see templates like 'debian minimal' . I think I can use that if not other linux distros.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to differentiate between the Linux OS of the host and the one in the guest (in the vm). The last supported host OS is Debian 8 while the last supported guest OS is Debian 9 (with systemd turned off, as openvz does not support systemd).
  9. pawan

    pawan Member

    Oh. Okay. This means that if my server OS is not Debian8, I can't use the Virtual server from within ISPCONFIG.
    is this correct?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, you can only use the VM module when your server is running an OpenVZ kernel.
    pawan likes this.
  11. pawan

    pawan Member

    Thanks Till. As you said earlier that ISPCONFIG will develop new VM Module to be used with ISPCONFIG, is the development of the same is started?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I did some research and made some test setups already but haven't been able to start writing the actual module yet.
    pawan likes this.
  13. pawan

    pawan Member

    Hi Till,
    Last clarification, if I install KVM, without using ISPCONFIG, that is ISPCONFIG is installed on the same server, will it interfere with the ISPCONFIG in any way?
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    pawan likes this.

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