Configuring ISPConfig 3 Support

Discussion in 'General' started by DevNRL, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. DevNRL

    DevNRL New Member

    I recently installed ISPConfig 3 on my server following and everthing working, I'm a little lost in it as to how configure further the servers and link them up to the websites, users, etc anyone using ISPConfig 3 and willing to support we are ready to pay.

    We need the Server for our Development team and we would like to host it on a LAN, my job is to host all the sites localy, that we develop and test, before the they are deliver to clients to upload to their Server. I should be able to host, when someone connected with LAN IP and my Server IP as Gateway and DNS, should come as it came from Interent. While We will not be connected to Interent at all.

    PhpMyAdmin, MySQL and FTP are what I need.
  2. BorderAmigos

    BorderAmigos New Member

    Where are you located?
  3. DevNRL

    DevNRL New Member

    In Dubai, UAE

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