Hi I am having trouble connecting to mySQL databases when installing php programs like Simple Machines Forum, Joomla, Flash chat and more here is the format i have been trying: Host: localhost Databast name: web1db1 Database user: web1u1 Password: (my passoword) I have tried the following host names to connect but all have failed; ispconfig.khost.co.nz khost.co.nz ispconfig Am i doing somwthing patheticly wrong? Tim.
yep i have certainly tried localhost but there is sign of it wanting to connect Edit: I have now tried to connect to my database as the mysql root user and still did not work!! I have also tried giving the user full permissions in PHPMyAdmin but still won't cinnect. Do i have to create a table prefis names smf_ with a certian number of feilds to be albe to get the smf install to work
Code: ispconfig:~# netstat -tap | grep mysql tcp 0 0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN 1 995/mysqld I can connect to the database with mySQL Administration program on my windows comp but it is the web install that i can't get to work
i am having no problems with mysql now all is fine it is another problem that has been causing issues that a have satrted a new thread see here http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24009