Content filter rules not working

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Gixxa, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Gixxa

    Gixxa New Member

    Hi guys,

    I created a few content filter rules. Some of them are working great, for example this:

    Filter: MIME-Header-Filter
    Regex Pattern: /^Content-(Disposition|Type).*name\s*=\s*"?(.*\.(ADE|ADP|BAT|CHM|CMD|COM|CPL|DDL|EXE|HTA|INS|ISP|JAR|JS|JSE|LIB|LNK|MDE|MSC|MSI|MSP|MST|NSH|PIF|SCR|SCT|SHB|SYS|VB|VBE|VBS|VXD|WSC|WSF|WSH))(\?=)?"?\s*(;|$)/x
    Action: DISCARD
    Active: checked
    The Sender will receive a nice Mail saying:

    Our content checker found
        banned name: application/octet-stream,.asc,liste.cmd
    in email presumably from you <[email protected]>
    to the following recipient:
    -> [email protected]
    I did not check every file extension but I would assume all of them work if one of them works. Now, considering that there are a lot of zip files going around, with encryption javascript, I wanted to apend the filter above with "zip". This does not work. I also tried creating a new Filter that looks like this:

    Filter: MIME-Header-Filter
    Regex Pattern: /^Content-(Disposition|Type).*name\s*=\s*"?(.*\.(zip))(\?=)?"?\s*(;|$)/x
    Action: DISCARD
    Active: checked
    Same result, the zip file will go trough.

    I then created this Filter:

    Filter: MIME-Header-Filter
    Regex Pattern: /name=[^>]*\.(zip)/ REJECT
    Action: DISCARD
    Active: checked
    This works but the sender does not recive a message like the one above but rather a "Delivery has failed" from, in my case, [email protected].

    Am I doing something wrong? Does my regex pattern check for capitalization?

    OS: Debian 8.7
    ISPConfig: 3.1.2
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  2. florian030

    florian030 ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    I'm not sure if you need "REJECT" at the end of your regex.
  3. Gixxa

    Gixxa New Member

    You are right I don't need the "REJECT" with the /name filter, however it still works. If possible I don't want to use the /name filter because of the "Delivery has failed" message most people don't know what to do with that unlike the other message with "BANNED CONTENTS ALERT".

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