Cookie Problem & Cannot access some web sites

Discussion in 'General' started by Mr. Print, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Mr. Print

    Mr. Print New Member

    First Problem:

    Can someone tell me how to fix this problem that appears at the bottom of PHPADmin Page? "Your PHP parameter session.gc_maxlifetime is lower that cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login will expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin."

    Second Problem:

    When I installed ISPConfig it required me to enter host at the www instead of www then the domain name. The web sites that have A records pointing to my outside IP address will load, however those that point to my Ns1. domainname and Ns2.domain are unavailable except on my local network.
    I'm a newbie with Linux and can anyone tell me what I need to change and where?

    Thanks for your time.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can change the session.gc_maxlifetime value in your php.ini. Restart Apache afterwards.

    Please make sure that ns1 and ns2 point to your public IP address, not to a local IP.

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