could not find class - puppet 2.7

Discussion in 'General' started by egulik1, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. egulik1

    egulik1 New Member


    I'm using puppet-2.7.10-1 on CentOs 6.3, working on new module and I'm following this structure:

    ├── files
    │ └── etc
    │ └── opendkim
    │ └── keys
    ├── manifests
    │ ├── config.pp
    │ ├── init.pp
    │ ├── install.pp
    │ ├── params.pp
    │ └── service.pp
    └── templates
    └── etc
    ├── init.d
    │ └── opendkim.erb
    └── opendkim
    ├── KeyTable.erb
    ├── opendkim.conf.erb
    ├── SigningTable.erb

     # Class: opendkim
     # This class installs opendkim
     # Actions:
     #   Installs opendkim
     class opendkim {
        include opendkim::install
        include opendkim::params
        include opendkim::config
        include opendkim::service
    node 'hostname' { include opendkim }
    and when I run puppet agent --test I get this:

    $ sudo puppet agent --test
    err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:
    Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class opendkim for hostname at
    /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:13 on node hostname warning:
    Not using cache on failed catalog err: Could not
    retrieve catalog; skipping run

    Another odd thing is that in order to make it work I have to specify class in /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp file where is completely different from the following approach:

    ├── manifests
    │ ├── config.pp
    │ ├── init.pp
    │ ├── install.pp
    │ ├── params.pp
    │ └── service.pp

    Is there a place where you can define where to put classes or puppet should be smart enough to recognize statement "class <class-name>" in every .pp file ?
    I was hoping that someone could shed some light on my issue or point me somewhere.

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